well I caught a cold. A japanese cold no less.
I am studying for the wicked GRE to hopefully get into a good Gradaute school someday. IT IS A BASTARD.
The posted images are scabo pixelated (form penny-arcade battle royale)
I threw him in street fighter for effect hehehe
Jon Byerley is playing a tour through the US and that is pretty darn cool. He is playing in Chicago tonight. his website is jonathanbyerley.com designed by noneother than myself. Well you may also notice a few links on his site R broken- but not to worry will have them fixed here ASAP so he can get some good publicity.
The other image was a quickie of a comic idea I had, called cowboys and aliens. I was frustrated with not starting into this thing because I always have the feeling that now isnt the time and that I need to do more preparatory work. Well I said screw it. I will make the darn comic and if I have the energy make it better later- or even re-do it.
I think this is a good outook to have in general. Do what you know you can right now- and worry about the rest later!
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