I didn't go anywhere- instead I am busy as I can be (with a 9-5 job... LAME) but besides that my camera is broken0 and what is an art blog if I can't show you my work. Another reason/excuse is that I haven't been producing art... WHAT? you say... Well I have been doing art-related things... including (but not limited to) building frames. My work in frames looks awesome- I am serious. Like I didn't know how much a frame can add to artwork- but seriously it does- like in a crazy way. I will post a how-to sometime.
SO here is how things are gonna go:
1. I will get my camera back from jordy Oleson (or I will break his knuckles)
2. I will post pictures of my art in-frame
3. I will post pictures of skecthes I was doing for a now-probably-canned comimc idea about an assasin.
4. I will post sketches of some sick WW1 art that I am doing comic-style, with lots of guns and death and coolness.
5. I will post the in=progress HUGE watercolor rocket-building rpcoess (see blue sketches below)
6. I will post pictures of the latest watercolor- it deviated form the tried and true... btu ya gotta experiment (that includes drugs!)
7. I will post pictures of the over-sized WW1 piece I am going to start once I finish typing this email.... well I gotta poo.... then I will start.
8. All will be well with the cosmos.
THANKS FOR READING EVERYONE- It is awesome that you follow little ole' me