This is a cieling-tile that I did for a local coffee-shop that i frequent. The entire cieling is covered in these- some good- some bad... but I thought itd'd be a real shame ot not leave my mark on one of my favorite coffee shops. The Alleycat. So i put together an ink drawing of a coffee machine. Very comic-y and from a good perspective. I sketched it (using a lot of ruler lines for perspective) with blue mechanical pencil lead .9mm and then burshed pure ink with a #2 brush by Raphael.

This piece is probably the starting piece of a series on world war 1. I did a lot of sketches in my skecthbook- and kind of grabbed the best poses from all of them. The bottom line is the 'ground' of the vanishing point- so it is basically on the ground looking up. but from a distance (so you dont see up into their noses) I hope to hae this finished this weekend. This piece- I have tried0 to work on it whenever I have time and am forcefully trying to avoid the inner-discussion of 'when is a good time to paint' because your work can become sacred if you're not careful and thats bad- cause it slows you down and isn't reproducable. You should work at 10% and not worry if this isnt your best moment to be working- just work damnit. 3 bad ones is better than 1 good one in my opinion- because in the long-run 100 bads is gonna make you better than 5 goods. it will.

Here is my art in one of the frames I built... I will put a how-to up one fo these days.

sorry for the bad pic. I dont know where this one is going and if it is going ot be finished or not... ugh im struggling with it, and it is HUGE
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