I hope to AT LEAST do 1 page a week- yeesh. My job is busy at this moment in time- not that that is a good excuse. I feel a bit more energized about the comic so I should be able to surpass 1 page a week pretty soon- but as it is now diligence is vital.
panel by panel, page by page.
its amazing that we humans create and work because we really have no other option- not to survive, but more so we work so surviving is worth it. My life without the struggle of art would be significantly less meaningful. But it would be a bit less challenging ;-)
if you're an artist and you're reading this- I'm with ya- it ain't easy- but lest keep at it!
This is a fantastic post, man. As always, the artwork is phenominal. But even more so, your talk of the struggle and toil of we humans... quite inspirational... and really great to know their are others in the same boat. I for one, like and appreciate my day job, buuuuuut it's definitely not drawing or illustrating. For the last couple of weeks I've had a really rough time getting to my creative, afterhours work. Work has been rediculously busy and then there was a death in my girlfriend's family. These things have taken up a lot of time and energy indeed. So, I look very forward to soon getting back on track and producing some new work.
yeah its an up and down battle- but at the end of the day art gives us some value in our life- and it sure beats watching football
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