YAY- I finished this one up with about 2 more hours of concentrated painting. Chrome is always fun to mimic- as it replicates every color around it- creating a great visual effect.
I love clouds (as you can tell) I just wish they had a bit more depth- but I might be able to add that later digitally. All of these will eventually be scanned with a really nice scanner and such- but for now- WALA.
Work on the cartoon progresses as well- but this was a hellacious week at work- Hopefully I can get a bit more done next week. sheesh. we work to live not vise versa darnit! (tell tat to my bosses)
Hey man, great meeting you at the ADCD event tonight. Your work is truly amazing! Really enjoyed looking through your site.
Andrew Chapman
Yo, Andy here. You gave me a lift home last night, so I thought I would check your page. Nice work, dude, I gotta say your artwork is fresh, energetic an inspiring. Thanks for the art and thanks for the ride! Keep creating.
great job on the colouring, really nice stuff
thanks for the feedback all- super helpful and motivating.
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