Monday, March 05, 2007

And another one bites the dust

Here are the first Four

On the last one: Im going to experiment with a gradient print for the sky (should be done this weekend) but besides that, this one is done. Little different from the other 3 I have done in this style. I chose to go this route because making this one a complete black and white (without cross hatching) would have been very challenging.

I am happy with the feel of it.

Besides all of this I would love some feedback as to what ones you guys prefer or what not. I am going to continue with these and host a show in a gallery in Tokyo this summer.


Unknown said...

i really, really like the last one. the cityscene is awesome...

Justin Beef said...

word up to my nizzel bottom

kkrupan said...

u know i'm not into all the sci fi aliens and cowboys and all that but these are really cool...simple but complex at the same time!! very cool!!

and ur going to have ur own gallery showing in Tokyo!? u best let me know...i soo want to be there! :) keep it up!