so an hour and a half later I have a good inking job.
I am disputing starting the colorwork for The 5- because I might purchase a wacom tablet. Along with the Wacom tablet comes the onset/prospect of using corel painter X instead of photoshop.
Basically- do I want to learn all new software, when the kind I have been using works great. Well of course I should pick it up- but I might do the 5 in photoshop and wait till I get to the states to start work with a Wacom.
well it has been a busy busy week for my art. I will prolly get in one more day and then I am gone for the weeknd. The Justin Coombs Art webpage is coming along slowly but surely- and I should have the main page done by tommorow, but uploading it and wiritng the html isnt gonna be a possiblity- so maybe monday or tuesday I will have to time for it. NICE
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