well you can sit and perfect somehting for several hours- or you could have spent that time creating somehting new. The end result would be one really perfect piece, or 3 fresh ones.
trust me, the fresh ones are the much better route. I forget this someitmes when I go into photoshop mode- where you can make placing a couple buttons and adjusting lighting take 2 hours. Its fun, but not necessarily productive.
well here is the newest version of the homepage. I also thought I'd throw some of the sketches up for The 5.
the thing about doing a comic is that it takes such a long time that your style throughout the production of it can change. perhaps not drastically,although I learned a lot from page 1 till page 9 in Cowboys and Aliens. You dont necessarily want a drastic shift- as coherency would be hurt, but this isnt going to Marvel or anything- so I think that falling into this niche or that isnt a good idea- so I will continue to feel free to change my style on a need basis.
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